10 Characters I Want to See in Mortal Kombat 1

Mitch Jay Lineham
5 min readMay 20, 2023


I am a BIG Mortal Kombat fan, and I’m so stoked to see Mortal Kombat 1 announced. In a year of big-time fighting games, this is the one I’m here for. Some of the general roster has been confirmed, and the Kombat Pass 1 has seemingly been leaked, but I got to thinking… who do I want to see round out the roster and potential DLC? So, here we go.

Sonya Blade

This is a cheap one because Sonya has to be in it, right? Johnny Cage is, and Sonya is the leading lady of Mortal Kombat, so, she has to be, right? I’m putting her in though because Mortal Kombat as a roster has always been hard to tell, and I’m a little worried, but I anticipate a reveal very soon. Cassie, though, I assume might sit out this time. I’d love to see Sonya return with a more hand-to-hand focused moveset like before, rather than the drones she’s used in recent entries. (Admittedly, customisation has always made it so you can do this anyway, but I’d love to see it feel more core to her character again outside of her special forces persona).


I know Ermac is seemingly confirmed by the Amazon leak of the Kombat Pass, but he was one of my favourites in 9 so I’d be amiss to not mention him at all, given that he’s not currently confirmed. Let Ermac do his thing once again.

Shredder (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)

Shredder’s just hella cool, and would make a great crossover character that might be lesser expected than many other names. There’s been a lot of mature TMNT content, and whilst the games haven’t quite been there yet, we are getting a The Last Ronin game, so… why not? Let’s get shreddin’.


I’d not be surprised if Jade is in Mortal Kombat 1, but she was a revenant for the last game, so I’d like to see her return as her human self. Jade deserves to pop off again, and there aren’t enough staff users in Mortal Kombat.


Nitara hasn’t been playable since 2006’s Armageddon, although she has persisted as a character since, even showing up as a character in 2021’s Mortal Kombat live-action movie. She was a bit of a jobber in it, but I’d love to see her return with an updated look and move set. Skarlet has shown up a fair bit in recent years, and she is great, but I doubt she’s going to appear in 1 so it could be a good time for Nitara to fill the bloody moveset hole.

Ash Williams (The Evil Dead)

I know it isn’t going to happen, there’s a lot working against it, but damn I’d love to see Ash be playable in just ONE Mortal Kombat game. PLEASE. His boomstick, his chainsaw hand, his ruggedly handsome looks… Bruce Campbell’s smooth voice can slag me right off whenever I dare to go against his Ash.


There was a period where Sindel wasn’t getting a whole lot of love, but it seems that she’s fought her way back into fan’s hearts bigger than before. She was DLC in 11, but I’d love to see her be part of the main roster as the kinder character she was originally portrayed as. She can have some great interactions with her daughter, Kitana, and step-daughter, Mileena, too.

Ghostface (Scream)

Ghostface has persisted for decades now, and proves that it can be anyone underneath the mask. I’d like to see Billy Loomis, but they could make an original character (similarly to Dead By Daylight), if NetherRealm felt so inclined. But really, I need to see Billy unmask himself in his intro or outro, suck his fingers, and say “pig’s blood” with his greasy bonce.


Sareena has appeared in some form in the past three Mortal Kombat games, but she hasn’t been playable since Armageddon (2006). Let her be playable again, I love her Cruella De Vil hairstyle.

Michael Myers (Halloween)

Michael, from Halloween, is one of the biggest horror icons that hasn’t made the jump to Mortal Kombat yet, and I could see him wielding his knife as a large tank character. Might be a little dull on conversation, but it might leave room for his opponents to play with.

I don’t really care for any of the leaked crossover characters, so I’m hoping there’s a chance it’s not legit, although I expect that it is. I’m very excited for this game though, so hoping a few of the above make it in. Kenshi too, because he’s cool, just maybe without the telekinesis sword style he had in MKX.



Mitch Jay Lineham
Mitch Jay Lineham

Written by Mitch Jay Lineham

Author of "The Forging of Eve", out now in the UK, repped by Tiger Lily Publishing Co. | Hang around for Otome, books and video games.

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